Inbound delivers emails to all of your destinations while you sleep. Get all your emails in one place.
Automate your business processes. Need a Slack notification, a webhook, and an email forward? No sweat in Inbound.
Turn inbound emails into data. There's data in there! Get it out and into other Airtable, Google, and more!
After setting up some DNS entries (or using a unique forwarding email address), you can receive incoming mail through Inbound!
Add a Route and choose how to accept email (DNS or randomized email address).
Filter by email address(to and from) or any email header.
The Rules engine's actions will parse an email, forward email to another address, send over an API, send to storage, or integrate with Zapier!
While the default is to send the incoming mail to an HTTP endpoint to be consumed, the Rules Engine will allow you to store the email in cloud storage, forward to another email address, or simply remove the email from processing completely.
The rules filtering will allow you to match the full and partial text on both the "to" and "from" fields. Additionally, you can check against email headers to really fine-tune your multiple destination setup.
Parse data from your incoming mail to send as structured data. This data can be sent to any HTTP location or integrations such as Google Sheets, Airtable or Salesforce(coming soon!).
Even with filtering applied, incoming mail will reach their destination in mere seconds from leaving the sender's outbox!
There is nothing to install! You fill out a simple configuration for any domain you would like to route inbound email. The app provides some DNS entries for you to adjust wherever you registered the domain name.
Temporarily. Mail is stored as a cloud object and as an encrypted database entry as it is routed within Inbound. Once it has been sucessfully routed to its destination, content data is deleted. Metadata such as TO/FROM/Subject are used to build a comprehensive history for the user.
Inbound email routing is usually included with by an transactional email provider. Meaning it will be part of a higher paid plan or treated simple as "an extra feature".
This service is built to be a system where email routing is the main focus and provide an exceptional experience.
Good news! I will be letting in users during the very beginning of the beta at no charge.
Once paid accounts begin billing, there will be a 14 day trial period in addition to the free plan!